Which exchange rate applies on an invoice or credit note?
The currency exchange rates are updated on a daily basis using the exchange rates from https://openexchangerates.org/. The exchange rate on the invoice is applied based on the invoice date.
If the billing currency (e.g. EUR) is different from the base data currency (e.g. adtracker stats of a campaign in USD), foreign currencies will be converted automatically based on the exchange rate from the invoice date. Look up the historic exchange rates in Billoid at Settings → Exchange Rates, and select the date of the exchange rate of interest.
The exchanged foreign currency values can also be viewed on Invoices and Credit Notes Lists. Hover over the amount (below “Total”) to see the date of the exchange rate conversion.
Adtracker statistics are all pulled in original campaign currencies and then converted into target billing currencies of the advertiser or affiliate.
How do I bill a client with different currencies?
For billing a client in multiple currencies, the optional Billing Currency Splitting is used. It can be set up per client and once configured it will generate one credit note or invoice per base statistic currency for the affiliate or advertiser. When generating the invoice, or credit note, the generator will create a document for each currency in which the advertiser or affiliate has generated activities in the generate section.
How to change the billing setting for a client?
- Go to the customer profile of the client
- Click on Edit billing settings
- Scroll down to Adtracker to change the currency information to “Original”